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Hotels In Varkala

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varkala Hotels

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    Gateway Hotel Janardhanpuran

    Gateway Hotel Janardhanpuran

    Near Government Guest House,Janardhanapuram,Varkala, Trivandrum, Kerala India

    star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar rating

    Gateway Hotel Janardhanpuran, Varkala (Kerala, India)is perched atop a majestic red cliff overlooking the Arabian Sea. The aesthetically terraced facade of the hotel moulds itself harmoniously with the inclined landscape of Varkala beach.

    User rating:  Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
    starting from   Rs 0Per night
    Hindustan Beach Retreat

    Hindustan Beach Retreat

    Janardhanapuram P.O Verkala-695 141 Kerala, India
    star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar rating

    Hindustan Beach Retreat is a 4-Star Category Resort located at Varkala Beach (Kerala, India).

    User rating:  Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
    starting from   Rs 5000Per night
    Woodhouse Beach Resort

    Woodhouse Beach Resort

    Varkala South Kerala

    star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar rating

    Woodhouse Beach Resort Varkala (Kerala, India) is one of the premier beach resorts in Varkala that offers both the modern and traditional facilities. The resort has wooden cottages laid in a beautifully manicured garden,

    User rating:  Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
    starting from   Rs 2500Per night
    Hotel Hill View

    Hotel Hill View

    North Cliff, Varkala,Thiruvananthapuram,Kerala-695141,India
    star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar rating

    Hotel Hill View is located at Varkala (Kerala, India) on the Papanasam Cliff. It is located a few steps away from the Papanasam Beach and 2000 year old Janardhana Temple and Shivgiri Ashram.

    User rating:  Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
    starting from   Rs 0Per night
    Akhil Beach Resort

    Akhil Beach Resort

    P.O. 1400, Near Papanasam Cliff Varkala, Kerala, India

    star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar rating

    Akhil Beach Resort (Ealier known as Preeth Beach Resort) located at Varkala Kerala, India.
    It is located at 5 minutes from Varkalas stunning Papanasam cliffs and beach, Preeth Beach Resort is the perfect place to unwind and revitalise with its idyllic environment and peaceful charm

    User rating:  Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
    starting from   Rs 3000Per night


    Thiruvambadi Beach, Varkala. P.O., Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India,
    star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar rating

    Krishnatheeram is spread over half an acre and perched on the rock formation cliff hugging the Thiruvambady Beach at Varkala (Kerala, India) .

    User rating:  Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
    starting from   Rs 9860Per night
    Thiruvambadi Beach Retreat

    Thiruvambadi Beach Retreat

    North End Down Cliff, Thiruvambadi road, Varkala 695141, Kerala.India

    star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar rating

    Thiruvambadi beach retreat is located at Just 5 minutes from the Papasanam Cliff and 20 meters from the beautiful Thiruvambadi beach in Varkala (Kerala, India).

    User rating:  Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
    starting from   Rs 2500Per night
    Blooming Bay Beach Resort

    Blooming Bay Beach Resort

    Aliyirakkam, Chilakkoor P.O,,Varkala, Kerala, India

    star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar rating

    Blooming Bay Beach Resort at Varkala (Kerala, India) is perched atop the 150 feet high cliff and has sprawling lawns and a lush coconut grove that commands a 180 degree view of the Arabian Sea.

    User rating:  Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
    starting from   Rs 5500Per night
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