Mathura and Brij Bhumi is the alternative name of Birth place of loard Shri Krishna and RadhaRani. Mathura without Lord Krishna is like Bethlehem without Christ. Mathura is located on the western bank of river Yamuna at latitude 27 degree 41 Minute N and 77 Degree and 41 Minuet E. Mathura city is located at a distance of 145 km south-east of Delhi and 58 km north-west of Agra in the state of Uttar Pradesh( India ). All round the year A large number of Festival and fairs are held in Mathura and adjoining areas of Vrindavan Gokul, Barsana, Nandgayon, Mant and Goverdhan Brij is thematically the basis of many performing Arts.Now a day's Mathura abounds in Place of Religious and Historic Interest