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Brahma Temple Pushkar

Brahma Temple Pushkar


Amongst the grandeur of Rajasthan, discover a unique gem - Pushkar. Nestled amidst the Aravalli hills it retains the charm and aura of peace and tranquility. Lord Brahma - The creator of the world in a search for his abode on earth, performed the supremely spiritual vedic yagna at Pushkar. It is thus the site of the only Brahma Temple in the world. A city of pilgrimage from time immemorial with over 500 temples and ghats Pushkar begets a legacy of timeless architectural heritage. Pushkar radiates an ambience of peace and spirituality that casts a lure to visit again and again.

Pushkar is a sacred town for the Hindus, situated 11 kms. to the North-West of Ajmer. The charm of this sleepy, lakeside settlement so captivated the great Indian poet, Kalidas,that it found a place in his classic, Abhigyan Sakuntalam. The Great Hindu epics of Mahabharat and Ramayana make references to this religious place regarded to be Adi Tiratha. Evidence points to its having existed during the fourth century B.C. lake in the inhospitable surroundings of a desert is no less than a miracle.

The legend about the Creator God, Bramha describes the creation of this lake. When the demon Vajra Nabhakilled Brahma's children, he in turn struck him with his weapon, a lotus flower. Vajra Nabha died with the impact, and the petals of the lotus fell at three places. One of them is Pushkar, where a lake sprung into being. Brahma is supposed to have performed sacrifice at this lake on Kartik Purnima (the full moon day of the Kartik month), hallowing the place. Sacred to Brahma, Pushkar boasts of its temple dedicated to him, which is the only one of its kind in the world. A dip in the waters of Pushkar and worship at his temple ensure salvation. So thousands flock to Pushkar to observe the ritual on kartik Purnima, or on any of the four days preceding it.

Pushkar boasts temples, The most famous is the Brahma Temple, said to be the only temple in the world dedicated to this deity


More info on the city

Pushkar is set in a valley just about 14 km off Ajmer in the north Indian state of Rajasthan. Pushkar is a city of temples of all sizes, though not as much old or in number as generally claimed. The most famous temple is the Brahma Temple, said to be only one temple dedicated to Brahma in India.

Hotels near Pushkar

Regenta Resort Pushkar Fort

Regenta Resort Pushkar Fort . The 4-star resort is a magnificent heritage property due to its architecture and is one of the most sought-after destinations in Pushkar. The rustic and rural concept of the resort makes all kinds of travelers like, FITs and domestic to visit the resort.
Best Price: Rs.1 per day

The Greenhouse Resort

The Greenhouse is a 5 star Luxurious Eco-Boutique Resort near Pushkar in Rajasthan (India) at 14 kms from Ajmer, a major Pilgrimage centre.

Best Price: Rs.0 per day

Hotel Master Paradise

Hotel Master Paradise is a new Hotel located at Pushkar (Rajasthan, India) at 12 kms from Ajmer and a short walk from the city centre.

Best Price: Rs.0 per day



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