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Kanya Devi Temple

Kanya Devi Temple


Described as the southernmost end of Tamil Nadu, the lands end of India or the point where the three seas meet, enchanting Kanniyakumari or Cape Comorin is one of the most popular tourist spots in the state and indeed, in the country. Part of the fascination is of course the fact that it is the very tip of the Indian peninsula and the confluence of the Bay of Bengal, the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean.

The other part is that the nature is so spectacular at Kanniyakumari, that several other Indian beaches pale by comparison. Cape Comorin is at its best during Chitra Pournami (full moon day in April) when the sun and moon are face to face at the same horizon but other full moon days are also special when you can see the sun set and the moon rise almost simultaneously, as if by prior arrangement.

Kanyakumari,Tamil Nadu

More info on the city

Described as the southernmost end of Tamil Nadu, the land's end of India or the point where the three seas meet, enchanting Kanniyakumari or Cape Comorin is one of the most popular tourist spots in the state and indeed, in the country. n.

Hotels near Kanyakumari

Hotel Singaar International

Hotel Singaar International, kanyakumari is located very near to the railway station on the main road of National Highway and 90 kilometers from Thiruvananthapuram International Airport (TamilNadu-INDIA).

Best Price: Rs. per day

Hotel Seaview

Hotel Seaview is a 3-Star category hotel located at the Sea face of Kanyakumari (Tamilnadu, India) overlooking the famous Vivekananda Memorial.

Best Price: Rs. per day

The Indien Hermitage Resort

The Indien Hermitage Resort is situated in a small village called Marungoor spread over 12 acres at 12 kms from Kanyakumari (Tamilnadu, India).

Best Price: Rs. per day



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