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Mahabodhi Temple Bodhgaya

Mahabodhi Temple Bodhgaya


Gaya is 100 kilometers south of Patna, the capital city of Bihar.It is situated on the banks of Falgu River, it is a place sanctified by both the Hindu and the Buddhist religions. It is surrounded by small rocky hills by three sides and the river flowing on the fourth side. The city has a mix of natural surroundings, age old buildings and narrow bylanes.

Gaya is one of the important pilgrimages in India. The Hindus from all over India qome here to offer pindas (funeral cakes) so that the souls of their departed forefather may rest in peace. The Hindus in lakhs come to Gaya during first fortnight of the month of Aswina, called the Pitripaksha with the prayer that the souls of their departed fore fathers may rest in Heaven for a long time. Fairs are also held on this occasion. It is said that the offering of pindas at Gaya would release the soul of dead from earthly bondage.

Gay lies 12 kms from Bodhgaya between Pretshila and Ramshila hills and is washed by the shores of river Phalgu. Gaya has a large number of Buddhist temples also. While Buddha was doing severe penance, he became weak, tired and hungry. He rested under a tree where, he was offered food by a condemned village woman named Sujata. To everybody's surprise Buddha accepted her offerings. Legend has it, that after having consumed the food, Buddha's countenance assumed a divine glow and he realised the Supreme Truth; that neither extreme self indulgence nor self mortification is ever required. What is needed is to follow the Middle Path. Sujata Sthan or Durgeshwari Temple stands as a symbol commemorating this event.

Bodh Gaya "The Land Of Enlightenment Of Buddha" is the place where Prince Gautama attained enlightenment and came to be known as Lord Buddha. Bodh Gaya was the place where his holy mission was achieved. It is situated on the banks of the river Niranjana (also called Falgu) and is 11 kms. from Gaya.


More info on the city

Gaya is located in the central part of the state of Bihar, in the northeastern part of India. Gaya is a part of the great Gangetic plains. Gaya is located to the west of the Falgu River, which is a tributary of river Ganga. Gaya is 13 km north of Bodhgaya and 100 km south of Patna city.




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