The Track-from Katra to Vaishnodevi
The track from Katra to Adhkawari and from Adhkawari to Vaishno Devi took one year to complete and another eight months more to attain a minimum width of 18-20 feet.
Tiles have been laid on the track, storm water drains, and parapets and railings have been constructed to prevent people from falling off the hillside. Similarly, electric poles with sodium lights have been erected all along the track and sub stations constructed to take care of the additional load of power.
Drinking water is available at frequent intervals.
Toilet blocks have also been constructed at regular intervals for the convenience of the pilgrims and a continuous water supply is arranged for keeping them clean.
A cafeteria and a resting place have been constructed where pilgrims can rest and relax. Shelters have been constructed at a large number of places on the track to provide safety to the pilgrims from sun, rain, snow and occasionally, falling stones.