Srirangam is the foremost of the eight self-manifested shrines (Swayam Vyakta Kshetras) of Lord Vishnu . It is also considered the first, foremost and the most important of the 108 main Vishnu temples (Divyadesams). This temple is also known as Thiruvaranga Tirupati, Periyakoil, Bhoologa Vaikundam, Bhogamandabam.
The Ranganatha Swamy Temple in Srirangapatna enshrines Lord Vishnu as Ranganatha. It is said that the Ganaga chieftain, Tirumalaiya built this temple in 894 AD. The Ranganatha Swamy Temple was later expanded by the Hoysalas, Vijayanagar monarchs, Mysore Wodeyars and Hyder Ali. Ranganatha Swamy Temple is one of the 108 Divya Desam Temple of Lord Vishnu
The architecture is a mixture of the Hoysala and Vijayanagar styles. The temple has fort like walls and an intricately carved Gopura in Vijayanagar style of architecture. The idol of Lord Ranganatha is in reclining posture on the bed laid out by the serpent Aadi Sesha is about 4.5 meters in length. The main entrance has Chaturvimsati (four) pillars has the cravings of the 24 forms of Vishnu.
There are many other shrines like Ranganayaki, Narasimha, Sudarshana, Gopalakrishna, Srinivasa, Rama and Panchamukha Anjaneya in the complex.
Dharshana Timings: 07.30 am to 01.00 pm and 04.00 pm to 08.00 pm