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Bhojpur,Madhya Pradesh


History Of Bhojpur

According to tradition, this town was founded by Raja Bhoj, the Parmar King of Dhar (1010-53), and it is named after him. It was built at the time of expansion of his capital Dhara. Raja Bhoj was said to be a great king.

Not only was he a great writer with a number of books on medicine, astronomy, religion, architectures and the arts to his credit but he also founded a number of great monuments and institutions during his reign.

Bhojpur,Madhya Pradesh

More info on the city

Bhojpur is in Raisen district. Bhojpur is founded by King of Dhar, Raja Bhoj (1010-1053), and named after him,A small village about 26 km from Bhopal along the highway to Hoshangbad is Bhojpur. Renowned for the remains of its magnificent Shiva temple and Cyclopean dam Bhojpur is a detour taken by most tourist enroute to Bhopal.




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