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History Of Pushkar

It is said that while Lord Brahma was passing this spot he dropped a lotus flower. From the spots where the petals fell, water sprang out and lakes were formed. There is a rectangular lake here surrounded by temples. According to the Padma Puranal Brahma, the lord of creation, killed a demon with a lotus flower here. He dropped the lotus at this place to kill the demon. Petals fell in three spots, where lakes emerged.

Brahma wanted to perform a yajna on the full moon day in Kartika (Oct/Nov). Lord Brahma, the creator, was in search of a suitable place to perform the yajna. The lotus from his hand fell down, rebounded, and fell at three places, from where water sprang. Thus Brahma decided to perform the yajna at Pushkar (push-lotus; kar-hand). But the yajna could not take place without his wife, Savitri, by his side, and she was late. Brahma therefore had to ask Indra to arrange a marriage for him, so that he could fulfill the religious obligations. So the priest manifested a daughter called Gayatri. Because she was an untouchable, to purify her, she was put into the mouth of a cow and removed from the other end, which totally purified her. When Savitri arrived, she saw Brahma married without her permission. So she cursed Brahma that he would only be worshiped at Pushkar.

Enraged, Savitri went and established a temple at Rathkagir, on top of the hill a little south of Pushkar. It is said to be due to Savitri's resentment that Brahma is mainly only worshiped at Pushkar.



More info on the city

Pushkar is set in a valley just about 14 km off Ajmer in the north Indian state of Rajasthan. Pushkar is a city of temples of all sizes, though not as much old or in number as generally claimed. The most famous temple is the Brahma Temple, said to be only one temple dedicated to Brahma in India.

Hotels near Pushkar

Regenta Resort Pushkar Fort

Regenta Resort Pushkar Fort . The 4-star resort is a magnificent heritage property due to its architecture and is one of the most sought-after destinations in Pushkar. The rustic and rural concept of the resort makes all kinds of travelers like, FITs and domestic to visit the resort.
Best Price: Rs.1 per day

The Greenhouse Resort

The Greenhouse is a 5 star Luxurious Eco-Boutique Resort near Pushkar in Rajasthan (India) at 14 kms from Ajmer, a major Pilgrimage centre.

Best Price: Rs.0 per day

Hotel Master Paradise

Hotel Master Paradise is a new Hotel located at Pushkar (Rajasthan, India) at 12 kms from Ajmer and a short walk from the city centre.

Best Price: Rs.0 per day



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