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Mathura,Uttar Pradesh


Krishna Janambhoomi Mathura

Krishna Janambhoomi is one of the most visited tourist destination in India. The place has been named so because it is considered to be the birthplace of Lord Krishna. 'Janam' means 'Birth' and 'Bhoomi' means 'Place' in Hindi. It is supposed that the present temple is built over spot of the prison where Lord Krishna took birth.

The story goes that King Kansa, the ruler of Mathura, was a despotic and cruel ruler. One day it was prophesied that he would meet his end with the hands of his sister's son. Hearing the prophecy, he put his sister and brother-in-law in to the prison. Lord Krishna took birth amidst prison wall and slay him. The things that have been unearthed during the excavation work support this story. It includes among other, some old statues, utensils and a rock-based plinth that was common in prisons of that era.

The present temple has been constructed in the 20th century. A stone slab marks the original spot of the birth of Lord Krishna. The earlier Kesava Deo temple had the room where Lord Krishna was born. The only dampener is the heavy security cordoning that has been done in this area. One has to go through complex and long security check ups before getting admitted in the campus. There is a dispute regarding a mosque that shares its wall with the temple.


Mathura,Uttar Pradesh

More info on the city

Mathura the birthplace of Lord Krishna is an important place of pilgrimage and thousands of devotees throng the city throughout the year. It lies at the heart of the Brajbhoomi, a land that is imbued with sanctity, for it was here that the young Krishna was nurtured.

Hotels near Mathura

Hotel Goverdhan Palace

Hotel Goverdhan Palace is located near Mathura (Uttar Pradesh, India) on the Delhi-Agra highway.

Best Price: Rs. per day

Hotel Brijwasi Royal

Hotel Brijwasi Royal, Mathura (Uttar Pradesh, India) is a three star deluxe facility hotel situated in the heart of the city.

Best Price: Rs. per day

Radha Ashok

Radha Ashok at Mathura (Uttar Pradesh, India) has 21 well-furnished, temperature-controlled rooms which have been laid out by designers to make you feel at home.

Best Price: Rs. per day



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