Legend has it that Shiva recounted to Parvati the secret of creation in a cave in Amarnath. Unknown to them, a pair of mating doves eavesdropped on this conversation and having learned the secret, is reborn again and again, and has made the cave their eternal abode. Many pilgrims report seeing the doves-pair when they trek the arduous route to pay obeisance before the ice-lingam (the phallic symbol of Shiva).
Legend has it that Shiva made the gods immortal by providing them with the celestial nectar, and resided here upon their request. This boon of immortality lent the name Amarnath. Not much of the history can be traced for this ancient shrine except a mention in the first historical treatise on India, Rajtarangini by Kalhana.
Legend has it that in every lunar month, the icy Shivalinga in the cave of Amarnath begins to take its shape on the first day of the bright half of the month. The linga reaches its full size on the full moon day (Poornima). After getting its fullest shape, it begins to wane and disappear on the new moon day. This process repeats itself each month. Since it is believed that Shiva manifested himself first on the full moon day in the month of Shravan (July/August), the only time of the year when a journey is possible to this mountainous area, it is considered special to go on a pilgrimage to Amarnath during this time.