The climate of Somnath is temperate and pleasant.
Summers (March to June) have daytime temperature reaching as high as 42 °C and minimum temperature level is around 24 °C, mostly tourists avoid the hot summer months of April and May.
Monsoons (July to September) offer heavy winds and rainfalls, Somnath ambiance will be humid and cool during this period. Post monsoons are accompanied with cyclonic storms or depressions in the Arabian Sea
Winters (November to February) have a temperature range of 10 °C to 24 °C.
Best Season to visit Somnath is from October to March.
October to March is pleasant and offers the cooler atmosphere. It is good for sight seeing and temple visit.
June to September is rainy but good for sight seeing for the people enjoying the rainy days. Watch for post monsoon depressions and the strong windy days.