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Pushkar is set in a valley just about 14 km off Ajmer in the north Indian state of Rajasthan. Pushkar is a city of temples of all sizes, though not as much old or in number as generally claimed. The most famous temple is the Brahma Temple, said to be only one temple dedicated to Brahma in India.

Pushkar is one of the five sacred Dhams and it's importance is often referred as "tirth- raj", which means the king of pilgrimages.

The name of this place links to a mythological tale. It is believed that the gods in Hindu religion released a swan with a lotus in its beak and let it free. Lord Brahma performed a Yagna and the place where lotus fell from beak of the swan was called Pushkar and has been called the same, since then.

The Pushkar Lake here has 52 ghats and attracts many pilgrims who descend here to bathe in the sacred water. The Pushkar Camel fair is another popular event that attracts many visitors in increasing count every year.

The other places of intrest are Pushkar Lake, Brahma Temple and Savitri Temple. The annual pushkar fair is visited by lakh od international & Domestic tourist .



More info on the city

Pushkar is set in a valley just about 14 km off Ajmer in the north Indian state of Rajasthan. Pushkar is a city of temples of all sizes, though not as much old or in number as generally claimed. The most famous temple is the Brahma Temple, said to be only one temple dedicated to Brahma in India.

Hotels near Pushkar

Regenta Resort Pushkar Fort

Regenta Resort Pushkar Fort . The 4-star resort is a magnificent heritage property due to its architecture and is one of the most sought-after destinations in Pushkar. The rustic and rural concept of the resort makes all kinds of travelers like, FITs and domestic to visit the resort.
Best Price: Rs.1 per day

The Greenhouse Resort

The Greenhouse is a 5 star Luxurious Eco-Boutique Resort near Pushkar in Rajasthan (India) at 14 kms from Ajmer, a major Pilgrimage centre.

Best Price: Rs.0 per day

Hotel Master Paradise

Hotel Master Paradise is a new Hotel located at Pushkar (Rajasthan, India) at 12 kms from Ajmer and a short walk from the city centre.

Best Price: Rs.0 per day



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