culture section features various aspects of India culture, indian philosophy ,puja & rituals, customs, traditions, ceremonies, arts, dance, music, architecture,Hindu Mythology, god and goddesses, Sanint and sages and Indian rivers.
The Bhagavad-Gita occurs in the Bhishma-Parva of the Mahabharata. The whole culture and aspirations of an entire race are embedded in this great Epic. The Bhagavad-Gita is, as it were, a shining pendant in the garland of that majestic procession of the magnificent literature can the Epic of the Soul, the Mahabharata.
The theme of the Bhagavad-Gita is the problem of life and its solution. It is the art of solving every conflict and a guideline in every situation of life. The conflicts are really the apparent irreconcilabilities, and these are precisely the tension of relation between the individual and society, between the layers of the personality of the individual. between the individual and the universe, and between the universe and the Absolute. These aspects of spiritual evolution are dealt with not only in the entire series of the eighteen Books of the Mahabharata, but also, particularly in the First Chapter, from the Second to the Sixth Chapter, from the Seventh to the Twelfth Chapter, and from the Thirteenth to the Eighteenth Chapter of the Bhagavad-Gita.
The First Chapter describes the human predicament of the soul in search of Truth. From the Second to the Sixth Chapter there is a description of the technique of awakening oneself to the light of True Knowledge and the art of Self-integration. The method of attuning the individual with the processes of the universe is detailed from Chapter Seven to Chapter Twelve. The conqlud'ng Six Chapters portray the Ideal of the Superman who, as a Citizen of the universe, walks the earth as a friend, philosopher and guide of all beings.
The original verses of the Bhacyavadoita are in Sanskrit, and they embody in them a power of resonance, a force of style and a profundity of argument which cannot but touch the bottom of the soul of one who reads it In an attitude of dedication of self to the pursuit of Reality. Here is a beautiful rendering of the whole Text from the original Sanskrit into the English language, as it appears in the standard work of H.H. Swamy Sivanandaji Maharaj.