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General Information Of Bandipur

Area 874.20 sq km

Best time to visit March-July and September-November

Languages English, Kannada, Hindi

The region is warm and comfortable for most parts of the year with temperatures ranging from 24 to 28°C, except for the brief winter that lasts from October to January when the temperature hovers around the 19°C mark.

Monsoon is erratic, but it generally rains from June to September.



More info on the city

Bandipur National Park is a beautiful forest reserve located in the southern Indian state of Karnataka. This national park occupies a special place in India's efforts towards natural conservation.

Hotels near Bandipur

Dhole’s Den

Dhole's Den is an eco-friendly Lodge and luxurious gateway to the Bandipur National Park (Karnataka, India).

Best Price: Rs. per day

The Serai Bandipur

The Serai Bandipur (earlier known as Cicada Resort) (Karnataka, India) resort is perched at the edge of the jungle.The Serai Bandipur resort is situated very close to the Bandipur National Park. Serai-Bandipur resort provides all of the excitement of living in the wildlife.

Best Price: Rs.0 per day

The Windflower TuskerTrails

Windflower Resort and Spa Bandipur (Earlier known as Tusker Trails) in Bandipur Wildlife Reserve, Off Mysore Karnataka, India

Best Price: Rs.0 per day



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