The temple of Melkote is popular for its Vairamudi Utsav, which is held in the month of March/April, the procession idol of Melkote Cheluvanarayana Swamy is decorated with a diamond crown and taken out in procession. The Vairamudi utsav, which is the chief annual celebration of melkote banglore, is witnessed by more than 4 lakh people.
on EkAdasi day , when the devout fast all day . the presiding deity of the ancient Melkote temple at the sleepy town of Thirunarayana Puram , Melkote karnataka. These devotees assemble at Melkote known also as Thirunarayana Puram on this day for having the darsan of their Lord adorning the legendary diamond-studded crown , the Melkote VairaMudi . People position themselves at every vantage point to have the sacred darsan of the Lord adorning the Melkote VairaMudi , while seated on a golden Garudan with His divine consorts .
Based on the temple traditions, Melkote Vairamudi is not to be seen in day light . Hence , Vairamudi is brought to Thirunarayana Puram from Mandya District treasury on the day of the festival in a special casket shielded from the Sun's rays . When the casket containing Melkote Vairamudi arrives at the boundaries of the Melkote , it is recieved with temple honors and brought to the temple on a special palanquin
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