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Rameswaram,Tamil Nadu


Excursions Around Rameswaram

Around Rameshwaram

This ancient town is the district headquarters. The Ram Vilas Palace of the Sethupati Rajas is a must visit place. The oil portraits of the Rajas of the past centuries and the articulately designed ceilings and walls embellished with eighteenth century murals, the subjects of which vary from business. Meetings with the English to battles with the Marathas, make this place more interesting.

Outside the island, there are three other sites traditionally connected with Sri Rama's expedition to Sri Lanka. A big temple in Tiruppullani commemorates the tradition that there the Lord obtained a bow and arrows to use in the impending war from its presiding Deity and also that the Lord of the Ocean who had refused to help Him finally submitted.

16-km southwest of Ramanathapuram stands the renowed Shiva temple of Uttarakosamangai. Manikkavachagar has sung of it. The Lord is Mangaleshvara and the Goddess Mangalesvari. The temple has inspired many Tamil works of devotion. So, of course, has the Ramanatha temple in Rameshwaram.

5-km south of the temple is Sethu, where there is a celebrated temple of Sri Anjaneya, and where, tradition holds, Sri Rama built a bridge to Sri Lanka. In Devipatnam, or Navapashanam, also by the sea, there are nine stones visible at low tide. It is believed that they were set up by Sri Rama to represent the nine planets, the Navagrahas.

Rameswaram,Tamil Nadu

More info on the city

Rameshwaram is a town in the Ramanathapuram district of Tamil Nadu.The holy island town of Rameswaram 167 kms from Madurai, is connected to mainland India by the Pamban bridge.Pamban Island, which is separated from the mainland of India by the Pamban Channel, is connected to the mainland by the Pamban Bridge or Annai Indira Gandhi Bridge.

Hotels near Rameswaram

Star Palace Hotel

Star Palace Hotel Rameswaram is a 4 star classified hotel The hotel is strategically located on the NH 49 (Madurai – Dhanushkodi highway) it is well connected by road to Chennai, Pondicherry, Trichy, and Madurai also easy accessibility to Temple, APJ KALAM House, and Dhanushkodi and just few kilometers from Rameswaram railway stations.

Best Price: Rs. per day

Hotel Royal Park

Hotel Royal Park is located at Rameswaram (Tamilnadu, India) 2 kms from Ramanath Swami Temple and Railway Station.

Best Price: Rs. per day

Hotel Vinayaga Rameshwaram

Hotel Vinayaga the Hotel in Rameshwaram is renowned for its simple luxury, unparallel services, warm atmosphere and sense of romance uniquely combined in an exceptional setting and natural environment

Best Price: Rs.0 per day



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