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Digha is Situated at a distance of about 185 kms from the City of Joy, Kolkata, this small beach town has been rightfully described as the 'Brighton of the East'.Digha is a seaside resort town, which is known for its beaches.

Shankarpur, Chandaneswar, Marine Aquarium and Research Centre and New Digha are some of the most important tourist places to visit in Digha .There is a science center exhibiting, that has many scientific facts for science entusiasts. Shankarpur, a fishing harbor is a close by destination. Talsari and Shiva temple is also a place of tourist attraction which is located in Chandaneshwar.



More info on the city

Digha is Situated at a distance of about 185 kms from the City of Joy, Kolkata, this small beach town has been rightfully described as the 'Brighton of the East'.Digha is a seaside resort town, which is known for its beaches.

Hotels near Digha

The Palm Resort

The Palm Resort is located at Digha, a coastal front located in South of West Bengal bordering Orissa and one that is visited frequently by guests from Kolkata (About 200 kms) for a getaway.

Best Price: Rs. per day



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